Saturday, January 5, 2013

Street Food: Bangkok, Thailand Pancakes

 Photo by: Monica Lehua

Street food in Bangkok, Thailand - she's making cute little pancakes.

This is one of my favorite photo of street food life. I'm always fascinated by different foods and cultures, especially in foreign countries, where there are many more street vendors lining the side walks and along the road. When traveling, we're always advised not to eat the street food, no matter how good it looks - well you can imagine the less than sanitary standards that the US has. I need to look for the picture of the people in India who like many third world countries use their waterways for everyday uses - including washing, bathing, and rinsing out your bowl/utensils that they serve you with.

Check out more food articles, recipes, photos and stories on: Orlando Cooking Examiner

copyright 2013 mLehua, no reprint without permission.