Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pyrex Bowls & the Super Whirl hand mixer - Built for Eternity...

Well, maybe not the present day clear glass, but the colored Pyrex bowls tend to last a long, long time. You know you're old when you start a sentence with, "When I was a kid..."

Mom's Pyrex Bowls.. circa 1960s?

Now that I've somewhat figured out why I call myself a Foodie (see my About Me page: "Why I Call Myself a Foodie"), you might ask me to, "prove it"... well that's why I have photo evidence. My mom and dad both shared the cooking responsibilities, but my mom is the one who taught me about cooking & baking. 

Much of my quality time with mom was spent in the kitchen standing on a kitchen chair to reach the stove or mixing some cookie dough. My mom passed some years ago and while cleaning out my parent's kitchen I came across two of the large yellow Pyrex bowls that we would make cookies from scratch. 

Needless to say I kept some of the kitchen items that would have been dumped or sold at a garage sale. From the photos you can see that the bowls and the mixer are in near perfect condition.

Both bowls had some yellowing stains inside. I tried to wash them by hand but it didn't go away. I put them in my dishwasher and the stains came right out! Of course my brother and I were the dishwasher/dryer back in the day.

Before I moved across the country from spending my entire childhood and adult life in Hawaii to Florida a few years ago; I carefully packed and shipped my mom's bowls and even found this classic manual hand mixer.


The SuperWhirl hand mixer and Pyrex Bowl

The Super Whirl is imprinted in the metal, mid section with, The Superwhirl, The Turner and Seymour MFG Co. Made in US America, Torrington, Conn.  Not sure the date of these items, but I was the second of three kids when my parents married and I'm pretty sure these things were there before I was, so although I still use "mom's bowls" I keep the Superwhirl as a keepsake. I think I cried over the bowls when I was moving as it was hard to figure out what to take and what to do with my lifetime of stuff. Here's some of the things that won the trip to FL besides the bowls, car, dogs, laptop & clothes:

VitaMix and accessories, Kitchen Aid Mixer (yes, I stepped it up) and a Cook's Essential oblong pressure cooker (cause they don't make that model anymore). I thought I could buy anything else I didn't have. As time went on I did miss a few things that I have added to my collection of cooking arsenal but I'll save those for later.

Check out more food articles, recipes, photos and stories on: Orlando Cooking Examiner

copyright 2013 mLehua

Street Food: Bangkok, Thailand Pancakes

 Photo by: Monica Lehua

Street food in Bangkok, Thailand - she's making cute little pancakes.

This is one of my favorite photo of street food life. I'm always fascinated by different foods and cultures, especially in foreign countries, where there are many more street vendors lining the side walks and along the road. When traveling, we're always advised not to eat the street food, no matter how good it looks - well you can imagine the less than sanitary standards that the US has. I need to look for the picture of the people in India who like many third world countries use their waterways for everyday uses - including washing, bathing, and rinsing out your bowl/utensils that they serve you with.

Check out more food articles, recipes, photos and stories on: Orlando Cooking Examiner

copyright 2013 mLehua, no reprint without permission.