Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Help! My blender attacked me: Dangers of a Clumsy Foodie…

The case of the Vitamix Blender Attack

In each area of life we have accidents. The kitchen and bathroom are probably higher risk areas around the home due to electricity and water. However, the kitchen probably outweighs the danger zone due to knives and so-called heavy machinery.

Take today for example. I’m reaching overhead for my Vitamix blender and I grab the bottom of the blender to bring it down from the over the cabinets. Well of course the plastic blender container is on top of the base as I lift it up to bring it down. Well wouldn’t you know it, the plastic container, with the heavy blade base built into the Vitamix mixer part is top heavy and falls forward, hitting me in the throat.

Not to worry, I was only on the top of a three step stool, ladder thing and I didn’t pass out from the wind being cut from my airway. Yes, it did stun me a bit but all I could think was not to drop the plastic container part because it might crack on the ceramic floor below. Whew, I caught it well on my throat and came down from the step stool and all was safe, except my throat.

I placed my faithful and expensive Vitamix blender and the plastic container with the built in heavy blade on the counter. I then started looking in the freezer for an ice pack – found it and wrapped the ice pack in a dish towel, placed it on my throat, yes it hit it dead center where if I bruise it will look like I either tried to hang myself or someone choked me, not good for the hubby’s reputation but I digress.  No mark, time will tell if I held the ice pack on long enough.

Moral of the story? Always keep a flexible, soft cold pad in the freezer. Take the Vitamix plastic container down first, and then go back for the base of the blender. It will save you the drama. Just another entry to my life as a foodie.

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